B3 - 2012

B3 - 2012
What a spunky bunch of tamariki!

B3 - 2012

Kia Ora, we are the brilliant bunch from B3, 2012. We are made up of 13 girls and 14 boys who are in Years 3 and 4. We are happy to be back at school, we love being in B3 and are excited about the school year.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ohh those Anzac biscuits look delicioussssss!

Whaea Susan read us an Anzac story while we ate our Anzac biscutis that we made just before lunchtime.

Our Anzac biscuits were cooked to perfection. They were chewy and still slightly warm hmmmmm.

It's off to the oven to cook our Anzac biscuits.

Here we are mixing the dry ingredients together.

Mixing the dry ingredients required a little muscle power.

We used a measuring cup and followed the instructions on the recipe.

We had to melt the butter and golden syryp. Luckily we were able to do this in class with a hot plate - we just had to be extra careful around it.

More measuring and helping each other out.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

WOW!!!!! Look at the GORGEOUS photos of us. When we started back yesterday I didn't recognise the B3 tamariki. They had changed over the holidays! I don't know what happened but apparently technology was involved. See if you can recognise us.

Monday, April 16, 2012

That is an absolutely hideous photo of me but funny as! Here I am again having a tutu with one of the apps called "CamWow" on our ipod touch. Look our for other "CamWow" pictures of the B3 tamariki next term. Isn't technonlogy amazing!

Whaea Susan is having a play with our new ipod touch. I have just learned how to take a photo and send it staight to our classroom blog all on the ipod touch, pretty cool eh. Can't wait for us to use it on a regular basis starting from Term 2.