B3 - 2012

B3 - 2012
What a spunky bunch of tamariki!

B3 - 2012

Kia Ora, we are the brilliant bunch from B3, 2012. We are made up of 13 girls and 14 boys who are in Years 3 and 4. We are happy to be back at school, we love being in B3 and are excited about the school year.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Making Marshmellow Easter Eggs dipped in Chocolate

End of Term Treat on PhotoPeach


  1. Yum b3, those look good enough to eat. What are great way to celebrate the end of the term and Easter. Have a great break

  2. It was fun making the marshmellows but the best part was dipping them in chocolate.

  3. Wow, what professional looking marshmallows and so delicious dipped in that rich chocolate.

    Mrs Norton


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