B3 - 2012

B3 - 2012
What a spunky bunch of tamariki!

B3 - 2012

Kia Ora, we are the brilliant bunch from B3, 2012. We are made up of 13 girls and 14 boys who are in Years 3 and 4. We are happy to be back at school, we love being in B3 and are excited about the school year.

Friday, October 19, 2012

End of Term 3 Treat! on PhotoPeach On the last day of Term 3 we had a treat. It was spagetti bolognaise with grated cheese, bread and a drink. Whaea Susan wanted to treat us for our hard work during the term and for our marevellous performance during the production. We had a shared lunch while watching a movie called "Ailens in the Attic". Samuel said the spagetti bolognaise tasted tomatoey and it was delicious! We all loved it and we felt really happy and sleepy after a big kai.

1 comment:

  1. That was so nice i love your spaghetti bolognase thanx whaea susan aroha


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