B3 - 2012

B3 - 2012
What a spunky bunch of tamariki!

B3 - 2012

Kia Ora, we are the brilliant bunch from B3, 2012. We are made up of 13 girls and 14 boys who are in Years 3 and 4. We are happy to be back at school, we love being in B3 and are excited about the school year.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

B3's Interschool Athletics Representatives

Here are B3's awesome athletes just before they left school
to participate in the Interschool Athletics Competition. We
are so proud of you all and hope you do really well today. We
look forward to hearing how you went when you get back.
Whaea Susan thinks you look very cool in your sports uniforms!
Have a great day, go hard and do your personal best!


  1. Great photo guys, I like that I can click on it to make it bigger, that way I get to see all your gorgeous smiles! I love your uniforms too they look very flash.
    From Paula

  2. B3 I like your blog because it is so cool.

    From Jiordana

  3. Keep up the fantastic work.

    By Martha and Zara.

  4. this is a cool blog b3


Thank you for making a comment, we always enjoy getting feedback, kia ora!